
Showing posts from February, 2021

Oberlin nerve transfer: choosing double or single fascicle

Oberlin transfer is commonly used to restore elbow flexion. Single or double fascicle can make a difference for you, but from a medical point of view, surprisingly it doesn't. The medical objective is to reach M3, which can be accomplished by just a single transfer from the ulnar nerve to the biceps. Pros are basically a lesser chance of side effects of a nerve transfer happening, like accidentally damaging the nerve or residual weakness in the hand. Cons are, basically, less strength on your elbow flexion. A double fascicle transfer will additionally innervate the brachiallis from the median nerve. Arm movement might be similar to single fascicle transfer (or that's the general believe), but about half of the elbow flexion's strength comes from this muscle according to physicians. To you, his means you might not be able to pull up that box of milk anymore when carrying groceries - although this is just an speculation from my side. A double transfer will be more expensive, ...