
Showing posts with the label Intro

Intro to BPI (Brachial Plexus Injury)

A Bachial Plexus Injury (shortened as BPI) is when there is damage on nerves going from your spine, all the way inside your arm (aka Brachial Plexus). Usually by an excessive pull, but it can happen trough other situations like knife or gunshot injuries. The nerves composing the BP are C5, C6, C7, C8 and T1. Each one is independently, or in combination with others, responsible for movements and sensory areas of certain parts of your arm. For example, is C5 is damaged, arm abduction and sensation over the shoulder are affected. The resulting injury can go from weakness or numbness, to total paralysis and loss of sensitivity of affected areas. If you are reading this, I hope it is just out of curiosity. It could also be that are you ran into a similar situation I did 1 year ago, and google searches led you here. If that's the case, it's going to be fine, things will get better. You'll have to work hard for it, but you'll get your life back. People around you might think &