First weeks of injury

The two best words that can describe my first weeks of injury: confusion and pain. I don't know if this is just coming across the wrong people. After crossing the border with Malaysia, I went straight to the General Practitioner who sent me right away to hospital emergencies. They started their tests. One of the male nurses (or doctors, I can't remember) was asking me questions about the accident, and he mentioned I might need some micro surgery. Right away he checked for my sensitivity on the C5 and C6 sensory areas. He explained to me I had a brachial plexus injury, and that I could google it to get more details (seriously). He gave me meds and set up an appointment to see a hand specialist a few weeks later. He gave me a specific medication for the arm pain. I mentioned I did't have any pain in the arm. You will - he predicted. Then I was on my way home. Fuck yes I had pain the next day. It was like someone was stabbing me with an electrified knife all around the arm. At...