Timeline of changes in your body - 4 years and 3 months after the surgery

I've past the 4 years milestone.

This is a significant time because it is supposed to be reaching the apex of the recovery.

For a normal day to day, you usually don't need to raise your arm more than 90 degrees. All my needs are pretty much covered at that angle.

Higher than that, you need occasional motion that tends to be important at the moment. For example, getting something heavy off a shelf. I can manage most of the times I run into the scenario.

What I noticed a few months ago is that I wasn't able to throw a basketball. A random ball made its way to me on the street, I grabbed it and when I threw it back, both my face and the owner's looked hilariously disappointed.

Ever since I started practicing the motion, with a smaller rubber wall, against an imaginary ring on my room's wall. I thought it would be hard to see any improvement since the 4th anniversary mark. Surprisingly, after a month of a few minutes of practice per day, my throw is getting better. And my brachiallis with it.

So I'll keep working on it 🙌


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