Timeline of changes in your body - 5 years after incident

Last month it marked 5 years after the incident that caused my BPI.

Life has been business as usual for a while now. I recently went hiking in Seoul, on a mountain that you require to pull your weight using the rails, very steep. I'm a heavy guy, so two arms are needed to pull me up. I had no issues enjoying that hike.

I also went riding the Himalayas for almost two weeks. This activity includes off-road, ravine crossing, and a considerable amount of physical effort overall. My arm was a bit sore from the upright posture on that bike (Royal Enfield Himalayas 410cc), but that didn't stop me from enjoying that trip.

After almost 5 years after the surgery the hypersensitivity has improved, specially in the thumb. Arm strength is still a work in progress, but I can feel it slowly getting better and I'm able to do most of what my day to day require - including fixing my bicycle, moving things up and down from shelves etc. Mobility wise, it is already very functional for the day to day so it is not obvious to gauge the difference. I even see some improvements in the brachioradialis, which is still innervated by the original damaged nerves. Perhaps a reminder that the surgery was absolutely needed.

I have been very lucky that I was able to work from home all the way until now - so I was able to do my daily arm exercises, for most days, for all this time. Next year we are going back to office, same as pretty much every other company. This means my daily arm exercise routine will be partially disrupted.

I feel it is time to move on. To stop tracking the improvements. I think I've been really blessed to have the recovery level I have, and I will continue to push the arm as much as I can, either exercising or daily use, but from now on it will be so without the tracking in the back of my mind.

I started to write these entries to share my BPI story, with insight details on the injury and recovery in case there was someone as lost as I was that was frantically searching the internet looking for additional information. I hope tho that most people get the right guidance from medical professionals, and have a good recovery without the worries I had.

Signing off !


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